The Weeks ReView Apache, OK
March 1, 2025 12:47 pmAlden Items
Alden wants a good doctor. This is a fine location for the right man.
J.B Schmidt will put in 60 acres of broom corn. Another party here will plant 50 acres of kaffir corn.
Wanted- The Alden nursery Co., wants several good solicitors- one in Apache, and at each town in the country to do active work.
A telephone line will be established from here to Latham, to connect with the El Reno and Topeka telephone company there, a distance of nine miles.
Another car load of flour has been bought for the Carpenter mercantile company, who are enjoying a splendid trade. They have a large stock of general merchandise, dry goods, implements, flour, feed and groceries.
A.C. Fleasher located on S.W. 6-5-13 had his house removed from the blocks Wednesday night by the storm.
The house of S. W. Vining in the neighborhood of above was seat off the blocks about 7 feet.
The baseball team will play each Saturday afternoon, commencing next month.
Cache creek has been higher than for several years so report those who know.
Many farmers have been to the Carpenter mercantile co., laying in supplies, from near other towns. water being so high they could not get to other places.
The Carpenter mercantile co., have bought the Robert’s & Hollingsworth grocery stock and move the same to Alden.
A.C Claney and Chas. Murphy are both good ball players and they showed the boys some good work.
The trail of F. Shaw who shot and killed a young man named Barnes last spring is being tried at Hobart this week. Quite a number of witnesses from west of here are attending.
The broomcorn baller has been preparing all the broomcorn in this vicinity for several days from market.
Carpenter brothers have opened up a realestate offices at Trento, Mo., Carnegie and Alden O.T. where they are preparing for a big business this fall.
The plasterers have just completed their part of the work on the residence of J. R. Cox. A. L. Moore will commence his new house in a few days.
J. R. Lowry will soon erect a new house some “young maid” should look after that soon.
J. E. Doughty’s sod house caved in nearly catching some of the family in the fall. He is putting up a new house at present.
Mike Loyd the Alden blacksmith and editor of the Cache valley news at Lyeeum had a big issue last Wednesday. He is advertising for associate editors, young ladies preferred.